Oblique beam on a double slit

JEE Advanced 2019 Paper 2, Question 7

In a Young’s double slit experiment, the slit separation d is 0.3 mm and the screen distance D is 1 m. A parallel beam of light of wavelength 600 nm is incident on the slits at angle \alpha as shown in figure. On the screen, the point O is equidistant from the slits and distance P O is 11.0 mm. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

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  1. For \alpha=\frac{0.36}{\pi} degree, there will be destructive interference at point O.
  2. For \alpha=0, there will be constructive interference at point P.
  3. For \alpha=\frac{0.36}{\pi} degree, there will be destructive interference at point P.
  4. Fringe spacing
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Total internal reflection from a prism

JEE Advanced 2019 Paper 2, Question 11

A monochromatic light is incident from air on a refracting surface of a prism of angle 75^{\circ} and refractive index n_{0}=\sqrt{3}. The other refracting surface of the prism is coated by a thin film of material of refractive index n as shown in figure. The light suffers total internal reflection at the coated prism surface for an incidence angle of \theta \leq 60^{\circ}. What is the value of n^{2}?

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First we trace the given incident ray through the prism to find the angle at which it is incident on the opposite face (see figure below). For …

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Delay in a fiber optic cable

JEE Advanced 2019 Paper 1, Question 18

A planar structure of length L and width W is made of two different optical media of refractive indices n_{1}=1.5 and n_{2}=1.44 as shown in figure. If L \gg W, a ray entering from end {\rm AB} will emerge from end {\rm CD} only if the total internal reflection condition is met inside the structure. For L=9.6 m, if the incident angle \theta is varied, the maximum time taken by a ray to exit the plane \mathrm{CD} is t \times 10^{-9} s. Determine t.

[ Speed of light c=3 \times 10^{8} m/s. ]

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To ensure that the ray spends the maximum possible time inside the media, we should arrange it so …

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